We are still doing night feeds, though I am optimistic that I will get more sleep in the not so distant future, last night she only woke at 230 and 6am ! She has occasionally been having a bit of formula, if I don't have any expressed and we are on a tight time frame and I can't easily sit down and feed her. She loves Kindy and hardly even blinks when I leave now, sometimes I get a token cry but usually as soon as I'm out the door I hear her stop! She is full of mischief and her cheeky personality is shining through loud and clear now!
Sometimes I forget that Atarangi is still so little, but do still catch glimpses of it and wee reminders. Kikiwa got a new truck which she LOVES! she has had a terrible cough for about 3 weeks now and I think we had an asthma episode shortly after she got it. on Sunday it was so bad it made her throw up (lovely, in the pram and all). So we had a big girls day off school yesterday. Atarangi got a hair cut! we went to the library and then to my work for some morning tea (and to do some work talk...) She loved having me all to herself and wanted me to carry her EVERYWHERE in town! It was nice to have some snuggles. then she had a nap, and I had a nap. so it was a highly productive day wagging..
We have been making sure that each of the girls get some alone time with each of us. It's something we had been a bit slack with and I think its making a difference all round which is great. Atarangi and I have been biking to the markets on a Saturday and Kikiwa and Tinipere follow along later in the car.
time is flying by
Haircuts, new trucks, a beautiful girls! it is all go in nelson. big hugs to you lovelies xxx