Thursday, 24 July 2014


Thursdays are my take a breath days. Monday to Wednesday is so crazy go go go - especially at the moment with work being so busy. I don't know how people do it 5 days a week. I was feeling bad about leaving my boss so shorthanded with so much to do, but she observed that actually I was probably being the same as or more productive then I would be if I was there fulltime! Actually true. And hilarious that she pointed that out.  Just a shame the pay is not the same as, or more!  Pity I was also far too slow to point that out! 

Nana and Pop pop left today too, hard to believe they'd been here a week? Where did it go?!  Nana left in slightly worse shape than she arrived in having rolled her ankle on Friday at Atarangi's gymnastics - it was completely black! We thought she was going to need to be on my crutches but she managed not to... Tinipere wagged school the entire week and Atarangi had Wednesday off. She was pretty sad tonight about no Nana and Pop pop being here. I wish Nelson was closer to Stratford.  

Today is also the first day Tinipere has slept in her cot! And in her room! It will be interesting to see how many night feeds she wants when I'm not in the same room. She is getting her knees up under her with her commando crawling. It scares me! Slow down!!! 

Atarangi. Today she smacked her sister on the head with a book - or tried to anyway, it missed. Two minutes  later Tinipere rolls over and smacks her head on the floor, slight delay,  roar. (we are at my work,  I'm pretty sure under the carpet ita concrete. It sounded like it anyway! )Atarangi rushes over 'are you ok darling? I kiss you better ' - kisses her head.  the complete turnaround. Insane. 

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