Wednesday 19 September 2012


what a month it has been so far. A couple of days before the end of last month Atarangi started commando crawling, so so so cute and exciting, although Puppy is not so stoked now that Atarangi can chase her around the lounge...  Fathers Day brought bacon and eggs for breakfast, My netball final, whoop whoop we won! A broken monitor meaning I slept on the floor in Atarangi's room for a week yikes and when we finally got a refund I promptly lost it... last week was a good week for losing things... We had coffee group here and all Atarangi's little friends made it. So cool to see the six of them rocking around the floor investigating everything. We finally got a high chair which has made meal times better, Atarangi still lets me spoon feed her but likes to also spoon feed herself and loves finger food. We both still have a bit of a sniffle lingering from our August sickness, very annoying but hopefully it will go away with all the awesome weather we've been having. In addition to the commando crawling there is dancing and waving :). Am sure there is much more to report but that will do for now. From here we are expecting a busy month of visits starting with Nana and PopPOp coming on sunday via Donna, Brendon and Abigail! and the following weekend Nana Shingleton is coming.
looking very ginger, mid boogie

a visit from Aunty Lucy

the high chair and the "I approve" look

another family pic

our little explorer

Puppy enjoying a moments peace while GG sleeps

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