Thursday 27 September 2012

Nana and PopPop

Nana and PopPop came to town! unfortunately we didn't do much because Atarangi had a fever, turned out it was Roseola, apparently highly contagious so it was lucky we didn't make it to coffee group on monday. Anyway, that coupled with random vomiting and sporadic diahorrhea made for a fun stay,  Poor Nana and PopPop! luckily it was only Atarangi that was ill, and she managed to remain pretty cheerful. Nana wizzed up a gorgeous dress for Atarangi and fixed some of the "to do" sewing pile that was taking over my sewing room! Pop Pop started digging under the south side of the house - in preparation for some underfloor insulation. you guys are always so busy! Thanks Mum and Dad xoxoxo

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