Thursday 10 January 2013

the final countdown

a present for me?

oooh what is it

some togs! can we go swimming?!?!

on Monday I start back at work, I have kind of been ignoring that fact, happy just chilling at home with Atarangi and Kikiwa while he has been off work. It's been mostly nice and relaxed and there hasn't been any sense of urgency. pretty cool. Yesterday the weather was below average so we all went to the pools, Atarangi received some new swimmers in the mail from her Great Nan for her birthday so we tried them out. I almost fell over at the price to go swimming though, they tried to charge us $17.60 for 2 adults and Atarangi WTF> seriously? managed to get a discount down to $14.00 but its definitely off putting... Today we had a sleep in after waking up at 530 and 630, Atarangi finally woke up happy, in bed with me, at 830. poor Kikiwa had to go back to work today. this afternoon we will go berry picking and do a few chores, the weather is mint and super hot. One day I will get around to backposting the crazy christmas and new year period. and Atarangi's birthday. . . Also Hooray and welcome to Carter James Osberg! Atarangi's new cousin born in Mexico  :)

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