Monday, 26 November 2012

Our first outing together without Atarangi

Well, not quite our first, there was that time back in February when Kikiwa and I went to the doctor in Stratford together about my hideous rash (possibly due to my thyroid) and left Atarangi asleep at Nana and Pop Pop's house... but our first night out together for sure.

We headed up to Wellington on Thursday on the ferry and caught up with Lawrence along Oriental Parade before heading out to Paekakariki. Oriental beach was awesome, sunny - and apparently warm enough for topless sunbathing....

Showing Dad how to drive

Checking out the imported sand along Oriental

With Dad and Uncle Lawrence
On Friday Atarangi and I went to Baby Sensory with Donna, Brendon and Abigail, it was great! After that the babies had lunch and a nap and the oldies had lunch and a laze in the sun :) Nana and PopPop came in the afternoon too for dancing, more eating and cuddles.

There must be some more food around here somewhere

making music and practicing their bar leaning skills for the future

We were staying at Nanny's house but Nanny was in Aussie having a fabulous holiday. Nana, PopPop, Donna, Brendon and Abigail all came up to the house on Saturday and brought a delicious lunch with them. Then late afternoon Anita and her clan came up to the house too.

Anyway the wedding was beautiful, it didn't rain too hard and Atarangi went to sleep without us no problem (apparently!) we didn't quite make it home by our self imposed curfew, and Atarangi woke up while we were away but didn't seem at all bothered when I got home! So it was a good night all round.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

While Dad's Away

the girls will play.. well, Puppy stayed at home but after a crazy morning of no sleep for Atarangi we went to the A&P Show. It has been a few years since I've been to one and the Tasman one is pretty awesome! Atarangi loved it even on her 10 minute nap that she had in the car, I thought she might go back to sleep in the pram but there was no chance.
a bit dazed and confused


checking out the goats

first hotdog!
Borris was very interested in Atarangi's hotdoggy fingers..

A wee picnic before home

a tasty nose

 and look what we found for Dad!



Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Just Beachy

We've been having some mint weather. hopefully its a sign of things to come. I am trying to make the most of every day with work looming just around the corner in January. Must admit I am feeling a little robbed when I think of how much I wanted to get done this year and what little of that I have actually achieved. never mind, it feels like the energy levels are getting up to normal again and I am definitely able to achieve much more in a day then I was not so long ago - now I can vaccuum AND mop AND we still have time to go to the beach as well! or wherever! I cannot wait until the berry fields are open for business, Atarangi might still be a little little for berry picking but hopefully she will still enjoy eating them!