Monday, 30 June 2014

Blw v puree

It's funny how when there is a baby is the mix the conversation always turns to poop.  Lucy came to visit yesterday and there was a poo explosion - one of many lately. I have been quite amused by the difference between the pureed poop Atarangi used to crank out and the Blw poop Tinipere has been having since chomping.  I am noticing increasing amounts of food in her nappy. It's pretty exciting. Haha! 
This  week will be the first week back at work 830 - 3. We had one day last week and I even managed to get to work by 9 am! Admittedly a mission even when I didn't have smalls to organise... Perhaps I am becoming a more organised person....  anyway it will be a big test and adjustment even for Atarangi  I think to be back to three days she will miss gymnastics. Add in the mix the fact they are both teething and it has all the potential to be a super fun time!