Friday 27 July 2012

what to do on a winters day

One of the many reasons we love Nelson..

great views and the need for a sun hat.

Tuesday 17 July 2012


Our week in Stratford went way too fast!

Checking out the moos

"What are you doing Nana!?"

Cuddles with Abi and Aunty Donna

Checking out the twinnies with Aunty June

Hello BABY, a new BFF

I'm the king of the castle

Save me from the babies Stella

Sing alongs with Aunty Alissa

Loves with DB

Crazy Aunty Char is calling you Atarangi

Loves with Breebola

chewing on the pegman with Grandma

there were smiles! We just didn't capture them on camera...

Loves with Nana Stella

already time to go! times flies

Up close and personal

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Bones anyone?

Atarangi wasn't too sure about the bone, not sure if it was because Abigail had had a good chew of it already or maybe she is just not taking after her Dad on this one...

Hanging with Uncle Brendon

lazing in front of the fire, bonding time with uncle Brendon

almost twins

hey Uncle we have matching hair dos

Sunday 8 July 2012


On Tuesday we are heading to the naki. My sister Alissa and nephew Dylan are here from Mexico! so exciting. Donna, Brendon and Abigail are going to be there too so Nana and Pop Pop will have a full house. Atarangi and I will be flying up - first time in a plane, and I just wrote a list of what I need to pack. yikes.

Friday 6 July 2012

Grandad Campbell

Two years today, we still miss you very much and wish you were here so we could ruffle your hair and elbow you in the ribs xoxo

Cheers Grandad

Thursday 5 July 2012


brushing our teeth...

checking out the details for swimming!!

and rolling around having a good time :)