Sunday, 22 January 2012

Colic!? Wind problems slowed down Atarangi's weight gain a bit this week but a timely gift from Roy and Jan Smith containing some Dill tea and other goodies was our saviour. Nana stayed til thursday when she flitted off to welly to see Abigail, Donna, Brendon and Lulu. Puppy cat ventured inside! Poor thing, I was getting worried she was going to find a new home! we survived our first major public outing, taking Nana out for lunch to say thanks for everything.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

First week at home with Atarangi...
She lost 125g in the first four days then gained 340g in two days!!
Nana and Pop Pop arrived on Saturday night to stay, Nana slaved away cleaning for a week and a half, oh and had some cuddles, Pop pop stayed for cuddles and we managed to get a few jobs out of him before he left :)

Stealing a heart

With Pop Pop

With Nana

Wrapped around her little finger..

Saturday, 7 January 2012

After nine months of growing, and three days of teasing, Atarangi Evelyn arrived on the 4th of January 2012. "Hello World!!"

the bump on the 3rd of Jan

 Skin to skin  - check out the beard!

Hearing tests in hospital

finally allowed to have a shave!

first bath!

two days in hospital and it was off home for us....